💬 The destiny of the English-speaking people is to serve the world, not dominate it.

“The only way to defeat Communism in the world is to do a better and smoother job of production and distribution. Let’s make it a clean race, a determined race, but above all a peaceful race in the service of humanity. The source of all of our mistakes is fear [and not understanding the Others, as human beings]. Russia fears Anglo-Saxon encirclement. We fear Communist penetration. Out of fear, the Great Nations have been acting like cornered beasts, thinking only of survival. The Common People of the world will not tolerate imperialism, even under enlightened Anglo-Saxon atomic bomb auspices. The destiny of the English-speaking people is to serve the world, not dominate it.”

-Henry A. Wallace

💬 The destiny of the English-speaking people is to serve the world, not dominate it. Read More »

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