🎵 Various electronic songs – 2/27/19
🎵 Various electronic songs – 2/27/19 Read More »
🎵 Various electronic songs – 2/27/19 Read More »
Elementary school, junior high, and high school are near complete wastes of time. Classes such as English and theology are wholly useless in the society we currently live in. Almost nothing taught is applicable outside of the classroom. Hell, even history class, the story of how we got to where we are today, is mostly useless considering that no history after World War I is ever studied.
That being said, it looks like someone finally pulled their head out of their ass and realized that kids might need to know something about the world they live in before they graduate.
Heaven forbid they ever start teaching kids other useful subjects such as how to use a computer and the internet, how to engage in healthy sexual relationships, how to spot bias and false information in writing and video, how to successfully work in a company setting, how to assess political candidates and engage in our democratic system, or how to survive financially in a world where over 50% of your income goes towards rent.
🤬 Modern schooling is a joke Read More »
Almost every one of my friends now owns a house in the Bay Area. Meanwhile, I’m sitting here hoping that someday I might be able to find an apartment where I can live for even one day without being woken up or disturbed by my neighbors.
Life feels hopeless.
🤬 State of my life Read More »