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🖼️ The testimony of Doctor Ford versus Judge Kavanaugh

If you watched the testimony of Christine Blasey Ford and Brett Kavanaugh earlier this week, you will have clearly noticed the differences between the two hearings. Ford was docile and polite whereas Kavanaugh was angry and combative.

The other striking difference between the two testimonies was the content of each person’s responses. Ford made an attempt at answering every single question she was asked. Kavanaugh, on the other hand, dodged or otherwise avoided answering questions at numerous points.

Below is a chart created by Vox which visually illustrates the difference between the two testimonies. If you click through to their article, clicking on the sections of each person’s testimony will expand to display the transcript of what was spoken at that point in time.

Vox transcript chart
Every time Ford and Kavanaugh dodged a question, in one chart [Vox]

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🖼️ Sunset on Windy Hill

Seeing that the temperature in Portola Valley was breaking 80° today, I thought it would be fun to catch the sunset in my hammock from the top of Windy Hill.

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