24, 30, or 60 images per second.
📹 Streaming video competition is making streaming services worse
While I completely agree with the message in this video, I’m not sure it applies everywhere. For example, look at streaming music services. They all provide you with roughly the same library of music, but every one of them is terrible. Spotify, Apple Music, Google Play Music, and Pandora all largely ignore their users’ desires and have designed music services which are horrible to use. Despite the fact that they are all providing roughly the same product, they still fail to innovate in order to win more customers. What gives?
📹 Streaming video competition is making streaming services worse Read More »
📹 The NHL’s Deadly Denial
When your business thrives on the destruction of human beings, you will take any measure necessary to deny that you are destroying human beings. Examples of this situation in history are nearly countless.
📹 The NHL’s Deadly Denial Read More »