
24, 30, or 60 images per second.

📹 Electric rail bike

I’ve long dreamed about riding a small custom railcar on an abandoned rail line somewhere just for fun. A long time ago I saw a video where someone built a two-person cart that ran on railroad tracks and used a small lawnmower-like engine to putter around in the desert in Eastern California. The guy in the video below turned his custom e-bike into a railcar with some well-built modifications. His adventure is fascinating to watch. It would be amazing to see a full journey from San Francisco to Los Angeles, or something similar.

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🦴📹 Excellent motorcycle history

Discovered this YouTube channel over the weekend. I’m not sure if it’s just called “Bart” or if it’s “Bart Motorcycle”, or maybe “Bart Moto”. Whatever the case, the videos this channel produces are excellent. Insightful, deep, and well researched. I’ve found motorcycle history rather opaque and tough to learn about. The first couple videos I watched from Bart Motorcycle immediately cleared up a couple points of confusion I had long held. If you’re interested in motorcycles, Bart Motorcycle is definitely a channel you want to subscribe to.

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📰📹 Bulldozers are only slightly slower than atomic bombs

The simple, straightforward story presented here by Dorothea Lange and Pirkle Jones is an understatement — purposely and understatement. Under the swelling pressure of a skyrocketing birth rate, places for people to live and water for crops and factories has become critical. Perhaps understatement is the better way to show that bulldozers are only slightly slower than atomic bombs; or that the nature of destruction is not altered by calling it the price of progress.

To witness population inflation of such proportions that ways of life are uprooted, fruiting trees sawed down, productive land inundated and bodies already buried force out of the ground is to realize that as life teems so does death. And that man is the active agent of both.

Aperture magazine, 1960

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📹👍 Winnebago Man

Cannot recommend this documentary more highly. Without question this is one of the most memorable documentary films ever made. You cannot call your life complete until you’ve watched Winnebago Man.

It seems the production company that made this film has decided to honor Jack Rebney’s death by releasing the film for free.

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